Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Basics of HTML

First HTML Assignment
Open Notepad to write your HTML code in. You will also need to open Netscape or Explorer to view the results. It doesnt matter whether you are connected to the Internet or not when you are working on these assignments. For the first part of the course, you will not be putting anything out on the web.
When I am coding HTML, I keep both Notepad and the browser I am using open so I can switch back and forth. Once you have opened the page in your browser, using the refresh key in the browser will show the latest saved version of the page you are working on.

This assignment should be passed in via email as an attachment. Here is what I want you to do:
• Save the web page as you are working on it with an .html or .htm extension.
• Just before you plan to send it to me, save it with a .txt extension.
• Send me the page with the .html or .htm extension and the page with the .txt extension as attachments to your email.
The reason for this is that depending on your email provider, sometimes the code gets changed in the .html or .htm version. Sending me the .txt version allows me to see the original code.
• To do your assignment, you should first open Notepad. Do a very simple web page using the very basic HTML code so you can test something simple.
• Save it with an .html or .htm extension.
• Go to Netscape Communicator and select FILE/OPEN PAGE or go to Explorer and select FILE/OPEN. Depending on the version you are using, you may see something else but try to find something that allows you to open a page. You then need to select the file. Note that in Explorer you BROWSE.
• Look at the results of your code. If it worked the way you want it to you are on your way. If not you need to return to the HTML in Notepad and make some changes, save the page with the changes and refresh in the browser to see the new version.
To do this page effectively, I suggest that you look at my PowerPoint Presentations. Specifically look at the first two in the list. Presentations

I also suggest that you look at my sample web pages under HTML sample pages. Samples - look at the first 6 in the list
When you look at web pages, you can see the HTML code by going to VIEW in your browser and looking for SOURCE or PAGE SOURCE or something similiar. The key word here is source.
The web page you pass into me should have the following elements:
H1 for a header Another header in range H2 through H6 BR for break
P for a paragraph Bold Italics
Background color Text color (set default for whole page) Alignment
Font size Text color for a phrase Underline
HREF used to get to a place on the same page NAME to show a entry point on the page Blockquote
Ordered List Unordered list Unordered list with a different bullet

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